赛贝网春节放假公告:2025年1月25日(周六)- 2月4日(周二)放假,期间赛贝网将暂停处理部分业务,客服会间歇性处理部分工作,紧急情况可微信语音联系客服,不便之处敬请谅解,祝新老客户节假日快乐!


发布日期:2020-05-14 作者:赛贝知识产权平台





1、Disclaimer: Enter descriptive, generic, or otherwise non-distinctive wording or elements. A disclaimer is a statement that the applicant or registrant does not claim the exclusive right to use a specified element or elements of the mark in a trademark application or registration. The purpose of a disclaimer is to permit the registration of a mark that is registrable as a whole but contains matter that would not be registrable standing alone. See


2、Translation: Enter either the English translation of the foreign wording in the mark, or specify that no meaning exists in a foreign language. Note: In a TEAS Plus application, the applicant must enter a translation of the mark, if applicable under the facts of the application.



3、Transliteration: Enter either the transliteration and English translation thereof, or enter the transliteration and specify that no meaning exists in a foreign language. Note: In a TEAS Plus application, the applicant must enter a transliteration of the wording, and translation thereof.


4、Significance of Wording, Letter(s), or Numeral(s): If any word(s), letter(s), or numeral(s) appearing in the mark have a significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods and/or services in the application, applicant should specify the significance to avoid inquiry by the examining attorney, e.g., "X-10" could be used as a specific model number, and this significance should be noted. If it appears that the word(s), letter(s), or numeral(s) may have significance, particularly to someone unfamiliar with the specific usage of the word(s), letter(s), or numeral(s), but in reality the usage is only as a trademark, applicant should indicate that there is no significance in the relevant trade or industry or as applied to the goods and/or services listed in the application, no geographical significance, and no meaning in a foreign language.


5、Name(s), Portrait(s), Signature(s) of Individual(s): If a name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s) shown in the mark identifies a particular living individual, click on the first circle and enter the name of the individual being identified. In addition, attach a .jpg or .pdf file showing the actual consent of the named individual to the use and registration of his or her name. Click on the second circle if the mark includes a name(s), portrait(s), and/or signature(s), but this does NOT identify a particular living person. Note: In a TEAS Plus application, the applicant must provide the appropriate information regarding consent, if applicable under the facts of the application.



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