赛贝网春节放假公告:2025年1月25日(周六)- 2月4日(周二)放假,期间赛贝网将暂停处理部分业务,客服会间歇性处理部分工作,紧急情况可微信语音联系客服,不便之处敬请谅解,祝新老客户节假日快乐!


发布日期:2019-12-09 作者:赛贝知识产权平台






邮件标题明确,示范:Amazon ASIN:XXXXXXXXX IP infringement communication


Test Buy邮件模板:

Dear “跟卖名字”,

It has come to our attention that “跟卖名字” is using the ” 你的品牌名 “ trademark without license or prior written authorization from ” 你的品牌名“.

” 你的品牌名“ holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So  “跟卖名字” listings violate ” 你的品牌名“ trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement.

Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on Amazon.com in which “跟卖名字”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright.

“跟卖名字” currently has at least one listing on Amazon.com for products that utilize“你的品牌名” trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization.

See the following ASIN: 被跟卖的ASIN码

“你的品牌名“ is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on Amazon.com. Your listing constitutes a violation of  ” 你的品牌名“ trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement.

“跟卖名字” ‘s infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to ” 你的品牌名“ brand and lost sales.

While ” A “ has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us in writing within 24 hours, that you have:

(1) Removed all of ” 你的品牌名“ trademarks and copyright material from your Amazon.com listings and any other website or public display you operate;

(2) Removed all of ” 你的品牌名“ listings of products it claims to be associated with ” 你的品牌名“, including but not limited to the ASINs listed above

Failure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to Amazon.com as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on Amazon.com.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Legal on behalf of ” 你的品牌名“



邮件标题明确,示范:Fulfillment by Amazon Warning Communication About ASIN:XXXXXXXX


Test Buy邮件模板:

Dear [跟卖卖家名字],

I am the owner of [你的品牌名字或者店铺名字]. It has come to my attention you are selling [你的品牌名字或者店铺名字]. I request that you to remove your listing right away.

[你的品牌没给你在或者店铺名字] is something I have created from scratch, and I have no authorized resellers. I sell branded products, and if you are indeed selling counterfeits, then you are in violation of Amazon’s terms of service.

I will file a Cease and Desist letter if the listing is not removed within 48 hours, and you will face legal action if you do not comply.




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