

发布日期:2019-10-22 作者:赛贝知识产权平台


排灯节(Diwali, Deepawali),又称为万灯节、印度灯节,也称光明节,或者屠妖节,是印度最隆重的节日,每年10月中旬至11月中旬庆祝,今年刚好是11.7。






排灯节的第三天是正日子,也是庆祝活动最隆重的一天。人们恭迎天神Lakshmi,女士们会穿上印度传统裙装sari,男士们则穿上kurthas。百姓穿上新衣、商人换新帐本,象征新生活的开始。还有一项重要仪式是祈求财富之神 Lakshmi的护佑,虽然排灯节期间印度的公司都放假了,但这一天股市会有一小时的特别交易,以作为呈献给Lakshmi的礼物。



节日就离不开购物,据 RedSeer 数据,预计今年排灯节期间当地电商交易额将达到 25 亿 -30 亿美元。2017 年排灯节期间(9 月 20-9 月 24 日),在线零售商的销售额达到 15 亿美元,比 2016 年的 10.5 亿美元增长了 40% 以上,是 2015 年的 7.2 亿美元的两倍多。

关于排灯节的选品问题,我们在此前的文章中已经分享过了,详情可查看《印度排灯节Diwali将至 这些节日产品可能会爆单》


May the occassion bring great happiness, good health, fortune and prosperity for you and all in your family. Wish you a Happy Diwali!

May all your dreams come true, And Lakshmi be with your family, May the season usher in only joy for you,Here I wish you a Shubh Deepavali!

May the beauty of Deepavali fill your home with happiness, and may the coming year provide you with everything that brings you joy!

May the light of the diyas guide you on the way to happiness and success. Happy Diwali to you and your family!

May this Diwali not only your house light up but also your spirit, dreams, and hope. May Lord bless you with health and happiness and all your ventures fulfilled. Wishing you and family a very Happy Diwali!

May you all attain full inner illumination! May the supreme light of lights enlighten your understanding! May you all attain the inexhaustible spiritual wealth of the Self! May you all prosper gloriously on the material as well as spiritual planes!

May the warmth and splendor, that are a part of this auspicious occasion, fill your life with happiness and bright cheer, and bring to you joy and prosperity, for the whole year.

Hoping this Diwali turns out to be an extra special one for you and your dear ones and may success be always with you.

Wishing you and your family a bombastic Diwali!!! Have loads of fun and loads of masti!! Happy Diwali!!

On this festival of light, I pray that your happiness is multiplied and your sorrows divided. May this auspicious festival bring you and your family health, wealth and success. Happy Diwali.



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